Inspection Reports

Excellent in all areas 2023

Breaside were delighted to have achieved ‘EXCELLENT’ in all areas, following our ISI Inspection in December 2021.

The ISI New Framework 23 and Grades

Under this new framework overall judgement and grades are no longer provided by ISI. Instead, the inspection report is structured around five key areas, where the inspectors meticulously detail commendations for 'Standards Met'.

We are delighted that Breaside Preparatory School received the highest possible rating of 'Standards Met' across all five areas. This is testament to the hard work and dedication of our remarkable team.

Report highlights:

  • “Pupils develop warm and supportive relationships with others and treat them with respect.”

  • "Teaching enables children in early years to communicate clearly and be confident when approaching new challenges. Children are prepared well for moving into Year 1."

  • “The school provides a wide range of extra-curricular provision. Clubs and activities enable pupils to participate in new experiences where they acquire additional skills and understanding whilst developing new interests.”

  • “In the early years, staff respond positively to children when they select their own activities and share their observations, thus supporting the children’s confidence and self-esteem.”

  • “Leaders make use of weekly assemblies to reinforce expectations about appropriate social conduct outside school. As a result of these experiences, pupils develop their social skills, confidence and sense of responsibility.”

  • “Leaders make use of weekly assemblies to reinforce expectations about appropriate social conduct outside school”

Proud of our school

We are particularly delighted that an external, independent body has not only recognised the excellent school that we are, but also that that they have captured the essence of who we are. Highlighting how we build in our pupils the confidence and strength of character to become the ‘changemakers of tomorrow’s world’.

I love every single part of my child's school experience!

– Reception Parent, Breaside Prep

Join us for a Personal Tour

We warmly welcome families throughout the year, offering tailored personal tours on a day that suits you, including school holidays.

December 2017 ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report

“The school aims to foster a caring atmosphere in which pupils and teachers are aware of and sympathetic to the needs of others. It seeks to encourage every pupil to achieve their very best and be become responsible individuals who can work together co-operatively and with respect for their peers.”

“The school offers all pupils a range of enrichment and extension tasks in lessons and in extra-curricular activities.”

“The standards relating to the quality of education at Breaside are met.”

“The standards relating to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are met.”

Breaside Preparatory School

Contact us on:020 8460 0916